Rich Desoto's Reason 2 Play

Group owner:
 Rich Desoto
Business name:
 Rich Desoto
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Description / details

This group is simply for announcements of Rich Desoto's shows in Second Life.

Recent messages

Sent 1 week, 1 day ago

Attachment: Streaming Falls North Woods
Rich can't count or tell time. My show is at 4 PM. Ooopsies!


Sent 1 week, 1 day ago

Attachment: Streaming Falls North Woods
I'm filling in tonight at 5 PM at Streaming Falls. Join me for a fun hour of Desoto shenanigans, some cover tunes, and my own collection of tuneage. LM sent!


Sent 2 weeks ago

Attachment: Dublin - The Blarney Stone
After almost a decade I am returning to play some live music. The Blarney Stone is going to let me do it tonight on their stage at 5 PM SLT! I hope you can join us there.


Sent 2 weeks, 1 day ago

Attachment: Dublin - The Blarney Stone
Hi friends! Just a reminder: I am starting shows again with my first return performance tomorrow at 5 PM SLT. Blarney Stone in Dublin! Landmark sent. I'll message again tomorrow at about 4 PM SLT....


Sent 3 weeks, 3 days ago

Attachment: (none)
Psst... Hey there. Long time. Just wanted to say hi and let you know some news is coming soon!


Sent on 9/11/14

Attachment: Barad Angkor "Blade City"
ALmost time for my show at Blade City! 8pm is start time. Max is on now. Come on over!


Sent on 9/11/14

Attachment: Barad Angkor "Blade City"
So about that message earlier. I play at 8 pm SLT. Yes, that would be 8. I'd love to see my friends there; it's been far too long since I've seen y'all! Landmark for Blade City has been sent your way.


Sent on 8/11/14

Attachment: Barad Angkor "Blade City"
Hi friends! It's been a very long time, but I'm pleased to say I'm playing tonight at 11PM (PM PM PM) at Blade City -- after Max Kleene. Please join me, won't you? I sent a landmark for Blade...


Sent on 21/2/14

Attachment: Dimi's
Hi friend! I'm playing tonight at 6pm SL at the Alley (Dimi's place). Dimi plays at 5pm. Come join us! Landmark sent.


Sent on 14/10/13

Attachment: Sunset Jazz Club
Trying something new tonight! Ed Lowell is backing me up on the stream starting at 6pm at Sunset Jazz! Landmark sent.


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Type Name Location
Rich Desoto's Reason 2 Play - RezzHud Nowhereville (37,164,652)
Subscribe-O-Matic kiosk 1 Nowhereville (31,162,651)
Rich Desoto's Reason 2 Play Nowhereville (28,156,30)
Rich Desoto's Reason 2 Play Nowhereville (34,156,30)
Rich Desoto's Reason 2 Play Nowhereville (39,165,652)
Subscribe-O-Matic kiosk 1 Nowhereville (35,166,650)
Rich Desoto's Reason 2 Play Nowhereville (29,159,22)
Rich Desoto's Reason 2 Play Nowhereville (39,165,652)