Rich Desoto's Reason 2 Play

Group owner:
 Rich Desoto
Business name:
 Rich Desoto
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Description / details

This group is simply for announcements of Rich Desoto's shows in Second Life.

Recent messages

Sent 1 week, 4 days ago

Attachment: The Blarney Stone
Hi Friends! Tonight is my last show for the immediate future. RL is keeping me very busy and I'm not finding the time to be here as often as I'd like to be. I'll play many of my original tunes...


Sent on 30/1/25

Attachment: Dublin - The Blarney Stone
I'm on stage at Blarney Stone tonight at 5 PM SLT. I have a few new tunes in the lineup, including two tunes from SL performers you may have heard many years ago. Curious? Come find out!


Sent on 28/1/25

Attachment: (none)
Hi friends! I don't send many messages -- other than to let you know when I'm playing. So, I hope you don't mind these when the happen. I took a week off this month from my regular rotation of...


Sent on 2/1/25

Attachment: Dublin - The Blarney Stone
Hoo boy! I've made it back in-world yet another week! If it's Thursday, it must be Blarney Stone! Join me at 5 PM for an hour of... well, I guess we'll figure that out when we get there.


Sent on 19/12/24

Attachment: Dublin - The Blarney Stone
Have two weeks gone by already! I'm on stage tonight at 5 PM at Blarney Stone. Hope you can join!


Sent on 11/12/24

Attachment: Streaming Falls North Woods
Rich can't count or tell time. My show is at 4 PM. Ooopsies!


Sent on 11/12/24

Attachment: Streaming Falls North Woods
I'm filling in tonight at 5 PM at Streaming Falls. Join me for a fun hour of Desoto shenanigans, some cover tunes, and my own collection of tuneage. LM sent!


Sent on 5/12/24

Attachment: Dublin - The Blarney Stone
After almost a decade I am returning to play some live music. The Blarney Stone is going to let me do it tonight on their stage at 5 PM SLT! I hope you can join us there.


Sent on 4/12/24

Attachment: Dublin - The Blarney Stone
Hi friends! Just a reminder: I am starting shows again with my first return performance tomorrow at 5 PM SLT. Blarney Stone in Dublin! Landmark sent. I'll message again tomorrow at about 4 PM SLT....


Sent on 25/11/24

Attachment: (none)
Psst... Hey there. Long time. Just wanted to say hi and let you know some news is coming soon!
