DJ Kanalicious Subscriber Group

Group owner:
 RollingThunderCloud Resident
Business name:
 DJ Kanalicious
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Friends and fans of DJ Kanalicious!

Recent messages

Sent 1 day, 5 hours ago

Attachment: [IN]dustry (Club)
Hey wombat fans! I got a special treat for everybody tonight! If you're not busy sportsing it up, throw on some pajamas or lacy underthings and head on over to [in]Dustry for tonight's Undie...


Sent 4 days, 6 hours ago

Attachment: deciBel - Rock, Metal, Industrial & Punk
Hey wombat fans! We're ready for another round of rock and metal at Decibel tonight! let's do some classic rock and metal tunes tonight. Stream starts up at 5! Hope to see you there


Sent 1 week, 2 days ago

Attachment: Billy Bob's Underground
Hey wombat fans! we're heading over to Billy Bob's tonight for some rock and metal tunes! Get your party pants on and come have some fun for the weekend! Stream starts at 5PM, hope to see you there!


Sent 1 week, 3 days ago

Attachment: [IN]dustry (Club)
High Scores and Speedruns! Glitches and Skill! Famicom and the SG-1000 come online to compete with Atari 400, despite it's head start! The systems evolved, the CPUs got bigger, but the Chiptunes...


Sent 1 week, 4 days ago

Attachment: deciBel - Rock, Metal, Industrial & Punk
it's time again for Thursday rock time! Industrial, new wave, punk and more, come on down to Decibel music club to party with us and get ready for the weekend! Stream starts at 5. Hope to see...


Sent 2 weeks, 3 days ago

Attachment: [IN]dustry (Club)
Hi wombat friends! time for this week's dose of chippy vibes at Industry club! I got chiptunes, lofi vibes, industrial, game soundtracks and more! come on over starting at 4PM!


Sent 2 weeks, 4 days ago

Attachment: deciBel - Rock, Metal, Industrial & Punk
It's time for some metal at decibel music club! Come on wombat fans, let's finish off another thursday and get ready for the weekend right with some rock, metal, industrial, punk and more! Your...


Sent 3 weeks, 2 days ago

Attachment: Billy Bob's Underground
It's almost that time, wombat gang! I'll be at Billy Bob's Underground at 5PM for more rock and roll shenanigans! we've got classic rock, alternative, metal and more! Hope to see you there!


Sent 3 weeks, 3 days ago

Attachment: (none)
Hey Wombat Friends, sorry but no Chippy Vibes tonight, as I'm feeling under the weather. Hope to see you tomorrow at Billy Bob's!


Sent 3 weeks, 4 days ago

Attachment: deciBel - Rock, Metal, Industrial & Punk
Wombat Gang! It's almost time for this week's party at Decibel rock club! I've got metal, industrial, new wave and more for your rockin' out pleasure tonight. Stream starts up at 5 SLT! Hope to...


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Type Name Location
DJ Kanalicious Subscriber Group Innocent Eyes (133,189,1005)
DJ Kanalicious Subscriber Group Dunnideer (1,121,92)
DJ Kanalicious Subscriber Group Dimitrios (129,139,67)
DJ Kanalicious Subscriber Group Bicycle Fish (124,52,66)