Subscribe-O-Matic groups

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Tastic Store Updates Subscriber

Owner: SpunkyGrl Resident
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Mikeexie Resident 's Subscribe-O-Matic

Owner: Mikeexie Resident
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Talya Moleno 's Subscribe-O-Matic

Owner: Talya Moleno
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ViktorKraven Resident 's Subscribe-O-Matic

Owner: ViktorKraven Resident
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NEFLive Resident 's Subscribe-O-Matic

Owner: NEFLive Resident
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inKdependent 1

Owner: inKdependent Resident
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Notices for the BEST fans of Ari Oliveira

Owner: OliverSinger Resident
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The Guvnor's

Owner: simon30london Resident (The Guvnors)
Clubbing is a party every night. We slip in among the crowd, a bee line for the bar. A whiskey later I'm ready to move with the music, hands in the air, body moving like an uncoiling rope, eyes on fire. The joy is like a shot of adrenaline to the heart and all at once I'm moving, one with the music, one with every crazy person dancing in this place.

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MinaHart Resident 's Subscribe-O-Matic

Owner: MinaHart Resident

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Velvet club vv Subscriber

Owner: DalionLamar Resident (Velvet club vv)
Relax and enjoy this cozy little open-minded hang out location. Come, immerse yourself in the relaxed atmosphere. Hang out, talk, dance (or even be a little naughty) and have fun. We are warm melting pot of likeminded people, welcoming all human avatars.

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BloodShadow, A Gothic Sanctuary

Owner: Arwen Miklos
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Drunken Unicorns Inc.

Owner: DJBeat Magic (Drunken Unicorns Inc.)
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^ Le Fabrik ^

Owner: Chninkel Revestel (^ Le Fabrik ^)
Le Fabrik is made of bits and pieces, recycled, revisited, revamped and rebuilt. Come dance! "Because it's broken does not mean it can't be of value. Because you fall doesn't mean you can't get up. Because you fail doesn't mean you can't try again."

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megscandles Resident 's Subscribe-O-Matic

Owner: megscandles Resident
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[:: Moonlight Shadow ::]

Owner: JSeesaw Resident ([:: Moonlight Shadow ::])
[:: Moonlight Shadow ::] Tattoo Art Design There offers tattoos, artworks, photography, and playable indie games, all of them can do custom design. Join the group will recieve monthly group gifts and shopping special 5% store credit. Chat-camping party will be enable for group members at every Friday 6AM-8AM PST. Magic Fishing & Fish Hunt welcome to group members to visit.

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Heal Your Soul's Subscribe-O-Matic

Owner: DrRachel Resident
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Left Bank Lounge Subscribe-O-Matic

Owner: Harmony Evergarden (The Left Bank Lounge @ Waterstone)
Updates and coming events from the Left Bank Lounge @ Waterstone

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Claudette Dufaux 's Subscribe-O-Matic

Owner: Claudette Dufaux (Sugar Dollz )
Tribute band

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djMorgen's Subscribe-O-Matic

Owner: Morgen Maeterlinck
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Maggie Runo 's Subscribe-O-Matic

Owner: Maggie Runo
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The Cove Kids Event Subscription

Owner: Kael SecretSpy
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Mossm's Movers

Owner: MsMable Resident
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melina Aurotharius 's Subscribe-O-Matic

Owner: melina Aurotharius
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Ravens Eye Gallery News

Owner: Raven Arcana (Ravens Eye Gallery)
original SL Photography by Raven Arcana a Selection of Artworks on Sale at my Gallery

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Kinetics Dance Group Subscriber

Owner: KineticsDance Resident (Kinetics Dance)
RL Kinetic: Relating to the motion of material bodies and the forces and energy associated therewith . SL KINETIC: Talented Choreographers with wonderful set design, brilliant music and awesome routines.

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DJ Rosemary Pixelbottom

Owner: djBasya Resident
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Owner: NescaFey Resident (Manikin)
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MoonlightPartner Resident 's Subscribe-O-Matic

Owner: MoonlightPartner Resident
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Nightingale Lounge Events

Owner: Debauchedsupport Resident (Debauched Eden)
Experience decadent pleasures at this exclusive gentleman's venue. A hedonist's paradise, with a luxury yacht and Eden: After Dark for discerning tastes. Kink friendly.

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RebelYellHeadquarters Resident 's Subscribe-O-Matic

Owner: RebelYellHeadquarters Resident
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