Janice Mills - The Green Eyed Soul -

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 Janice Mills
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Sent 1 week, 2 days ago

Attachment: Janice live - Mo. 03. Mar. - 21Uhr/12pm SLT - CLUB CUPIDUS -
. ✿~•✿•✿•~• 🎤 •~•✿• ✿ Janice - A velvet voice with heart and soul - live ✿ Mo. Mar. 03. - 21 Uhr/12 pm SLT ✿ Club Cupidus - "Sensual and Groovy" ✿

Sent 2 weeks, 6 days ago

Attachment: Janice live - Do. 20.Feb. - 21 Uhr/12 pm SLT - VanMorka's Venue
. ✿~•✿•✿•~• 🎤 •~•✿• ✿ Janice - A velvet voice with heart and soul - live ✿ Do. Feb. 20 - 21 Uhr/12 pm SLT ✿ Van Morka's Venue ✿

Sent 2 weeks, 6 days ago

Attachment: Janice live - Do. 20.Feb. - 21 Uhr/12 pm SLT - VanMorka's Venue
. ✿~•✿•✿•~• 🎤 •~•✿• ✿ Janice - live ✿ Do. Feb. 20 - 21 Uhr/12 pm SLT ✿ Van Morka's Venue ✿

Sent 3 weeks, 5 days ago

Attachment: Janice live - Fr. 14. Feb - 21 Uhr/12 pm SLT - StarsElegantClub
. ★•★•~•★• 🎤 •★•~•★• ★ Janice - live ★ Fr. Feb. 14 - 21 Uhr/12 pm SLT (for 30 min.) ★ Stars Elegant Club ★

Sent 3 weeks, 5 days ago

Attachment: Janice live - Fr. 14. Feb - 21 Uhr/12 pm SLT - StarsElegantClub
. ★•★•~•★• 🎤 •★•~•★• ★ Janice - live ★ Fr. Feb. 14 - 21 Uhr/12 pm SLT (for 30 min.) ★ Stars Elegant Club ★

Sent on 31/12/24

Attachment: Happy new year 2025 from Janice <3
. ★~•★•~•★• •★•~• 🎤 •~•★• ★ HAPPY NEW YEAR and THANK YOU★ ★ FROHES NEUES JAHR und DANKE ★ ★

Sent on 23/12/24

Attachment: Janice live - Mo. 23. Dec. - 21 Uhr/12 pm SLT - LoveGarden
. ★•★•~•★• 🎤 •★•~•★• Janice - live Mo. Dec. 23rd - 21:00 Uhr/12 pm SLT Love Garden - Winter-Ballroom - "Calming down for Xmas"

Sent on 21/12/24

Attachment: Janice live - Sa. 21. Dec. - 21 Uhr / 12 pm SLT - GNX Skyhall
. ★•★•~•★• 🎤 •★•~•★• Janice - live Sat. Dec. 21st - 21:00 Uhr/12 pm SLT GNC - Xmas-Party

Sent on 19/12/24

Attachment: Janice live - Thu.19. Dec. - 21:30 Uhr/12:30 pm SLT - PsyLounge
. ★•★•~•★• 🎤 •★•~•★• ★ Janice - live in concert ★ Thu. Dec. 19th - 21:30 Uhr/12:30 pm SLT ★ Psy-Lounge - Xmas-Party & 3 years anniversary ★

Sent on 15/12/24

Attachment: Janice live - So. 15. Dec. - 20 Uhr / 11 am - Rambazamba Xmas
. ★~•★•~•★• •★•~• 🎤 •~•★• ★ Janice - live in concert ★ Sun. Dec. 15th - 20 Uhr/11 am SLT ★ Club Rambazamba - Xmas is coming ★

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Janice Mills - The Green Eyed Soul - Joy (20,242,23)