Yelena Istmal 's Subscribe-O-Matic

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 Yelena Istmal
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Recent messages

Sent on 14/2/19

Attachment: [noctis] update 14 February 2019
New for Eclipse PREVIEW 67439759@N02/46169915915/in/dateposted-public/"...


Sent on 13/1/19

Attachment: [noctis] update 13 January 2019
New for Eclipse 67439759@N02/45820022585/in/dateposted-public/"...


Sent on 22/12/18

Attachment: [noctis] update 22 December 2018
Hello my lovelies! Two new group gifts for yooouu! Info in the notecard


Sent on 16/12/18

Attachment: [noctis] update 16 December 2018
Hello my lovely darklings! Lots of new things from yours truly, including the Black Winter Hall set for eclipse. FLickr preview: Details  

Sent on 2/12/18

Attachment: [noctis] update 02 December 2018
Hello my things for We Love Role Play and Whimsical!notecard attached ^.^


Sent on 21/11/18

Attachment: .Whimsical. An Inspired Event. Winter Nov. Round
So sorry guys, I had the wrong LM in the notecard for the Whimsical November event. Here's the correct landmark.


Sent on 18/11/18

Attachment: [noctis] update 18 November 2018
Hello my lovelies! I have something new for Whimsical November PREVIEW

Sent on 14/11/18

Attachment: [noctis] ECLIPSE is now open!
PREVIEW: 67439759@N02/45828007861/in/dateposted-public/" rel="nofollow">

Sent on 10/11/18

Attachment: [noctis] update 10 November 2018
New things from [noctis]. Notecard attached ^.^


Sent on 26/10/18

Attachment: [noctis] update 26 October 2018
How strong is your Magic? Play Hocus Pocus and find out. Details in the notecard!


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Yelena Istmal 's Subscribe-O-Matic Academy of Industry (122,44,111)
Yelena Istmal 's Subscribe-O-Matic Academy of Industry (111,40,1016)