Katmosphere Animation/Pose Group

Group owner:
 Katiri Hynes
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Recent messages

Sent on 3/6/11

Attachment: Katapult and Another update for 6/3/11
Tons of new stuff this week. Hope you all have a great weekend.


Sent on 12/5/11

Attachment: 5-12-2011 katapult update
It's blatently offensive... I hope you all get a kick out of it.


Sent on 15/10/10

Attachment: 10/15/2010 Katapult
Hey subscriberooooos, I had a lot of fun making this, hope you get some enjoyment out of it if you buy it.


Sent on 8/8/10

Attachment: 8/8/10 katapult update
Sale time, and we have an exciting new walk, come in and take a look.


Sent on 11/2/10

Attachment: 2/11/10 katapult update
Thanks subscribers - have a new item in the lucky chair! Read the notice.


Sent on 24/10/09

Attachment: 10/24/09 katapult & another
Hope you are all doing well today. Nice discounts on AO's right now, and tons of freebies including a skybox.


Sent on 2/10/09

Attachment: Another & katapult 10/2/09
FREEBIES galore in the store right now. Eloh and I both made some items for a halloween hunt that is floundering. But come by and grab the goodies, I also made some stockings I am really proud of...


Sent on 11/9/09

Attachment: 9/11/09 Katapult update
Just wanted to let everyone know about the new AO I put together. Thanks for reading.


Sent on 5/9/09

Attachment: Katmosphere 9/05/09 announcement
Just wanted to let everyone know about the new location and some exciting news. Hope you all have a great 3-day-weekend!


Sent on 2/8/09

Attachment: New Animations and Poses at Katmosphere + maybe some freebies
Freebies are not too hard to find. Hope everyone enjoys the new poses and animations. I think the Lorekcan'teither dance is just about as cute as can be and very low lag.


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Type Name Location
Katapult Animation/Pose Group Schreckhorn (94,188,67)