[ReM] Glitz & Glam Subscribe-O-Matic

Group owner:
 EpsilonLounge Resident
Business name:
 [ReM] Glitz & Glam
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Sent 1 week, 1 day ago

Attachment: Malus Park Spring Fling
Hello loves , just sending out a notecard about spring fling have a look and check out the sale . Love Kristy


Sent 1 week, 3 days ago

Attachment: UDB Weekly
hi loves Just wanted to let you know that i have 2 new nails out at the UDB sale this week and dont forget the sales at the mainstore


Sent 2 weeks, 3 days ago

Attachment: [ReM] Glitz & Glam
Hey Loves , have a set of nails this weekend for glorious days come get a good deal on a new pair of nails . Love kristy


Sent 3 weeks, 3 days ago

Attachment: [ReM] Glitz & Glam
Glorious Days is set up and ready for you guys to come get a deal also have some other deals set up and don't forget the 45 linden item its the last valentine nails im gonna have out. Love Kristy


Sent 1 month, 2 days ago

Attachment: UDB Weekly
Hi my loves I have 4 new nails out at the UDB weekly event just check out the card , love to all


Sent on 4/2/25

Attachment: Lovers Lane Hunt
New hunt out for Valentines 5 lindens for each nail set and i have a total of 3 for you.


Sent on 29/1/25

Attachment: Blue Week Sales
Blue sales week 65 linden Nails and 45 linden nails COme have a look and read the notecard all my love Kristy


Sent on 25/1/25

Attachment: UDB Weekly
Hiya Loves Just letting you know about the nails at UDB weekly and the 45 linden valentine nails


Sent on 22/1/25

Attachment: Blue week sales
blue week sales and 45 linden sales come check them out


Sent on 18/1/25

Attachment: Landmarks
Might help if i gave the landmarks Sorry bout that :}


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[ReM] Glitz & Glam Subscribe-O-Matic Millares (97,132,21)