Boutique KAGAMI

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 Ame Ayashi
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Sent on 11/1/25

Attachment: [KAGAMI] Hanameishi [Decorative]
Hello, Boutique KAGAMI has decided to cease utilizing the subscribe-o-matic tool. Please follow us on Prim Feed or Join the group for notices. Thank you very much!


Sent on 29/9/24

Attachment: Boutique KAGAMI @ Hamamura Islands
Hello Beauties, Today I release some Hisago themed sets! Oh my gourd! I've also started experimenting with the ofuku tegara that pairs with Zashiki-gi's latest Ofuku hair mesh. I may release...


Sent on 13/9/24

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Hello Beauties, Something with a hint of summer. A formal juban called "Utagai" I've seen here and there in the karyuukai. And some casual versions, too, because, well, why not? :) Now...


Sent on 2/9/24

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Hello Beauties, I've taken advantage of the US Holiday. Please see my flickr page (or follow me on Primfeed) to see what's all new.

Sent on 1/9/24

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Hello Beauties, I have released two new obiage. I have two more lined up for later. And maybe even more than that in the works. Gozan no Okuribi:

Sent on 29/6/24

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Hello Beauties, I've created my first full set of EvoX BOM oshiroi for purchase. It is designed to fit Hanako shape; which uses mesh head Noel from Lelutka. It is vital to try the demo before...


Sent on 23/6/24

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Hello Beauties, I've created another! Why not? One non-seasonal Obiage called "Uruko." Uruko is a scale pattern that is considered lucky or auspicious. You could wear this on a formal occasion...


Sent on 22/6/24

Attachment: Boutique KAGAMI @ Hamamura Islands
Hello Beauties, I am releasing two new appliers. One seasonal Juban for Summer called "Otsuyushiba", and a non-seasonal Obiage applier called "Ishidatami." They are now available in store....


Sent on 9/6/24

Attachment: Boutique KAGAMI @ Hamamura Islands
Hello Beauties, I have released a non-seasonal, but auspicious motif for both Obiage and Juban. It is called Kinpaku. They are now available in store. Preview:

Sent on 4/6/24

Attachment: (none)
New Release! All the ideas... no time :) I do have some more simple designs I'd like to spam release sometime soon. . . In the meantime, I've played with some nadeshiko for some Summer Obiage....


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Type Name Location
Boutique KAGAMI Serenity Forest (86,141,28)