The Johnathan Hiess Project VIP Group

Group owner:
 Softail Silvercloud
Business name:
 Johnathan Hiess Project
RSS feed:
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Kiosk locations

Teleport to any of the listed kiosks to subscribe and receive messages and items from this group in-world. You can also unsubscribe from this group at any kiosk.
Type Name Location
The Johnathan Hiess Project VIP Group Virgin Isles (216,142,2701)
The Johnathan Hiess Project VIP Group Steelhead City (151,242,24)
The Johnathan Hiess Project VIP Group Hidden Isle (45,223,27)
The Johnathan Hiess Project VIP Group Fire Island (127,157,1136)
The Johnathan Hiess Project VIP Group Fire Island (152,156,1136)