St. Ambrose Catholic Church Subscribo

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 KyleBuckingham0122 Resident
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Sent 13 hours, 31 minutes ago

Attachment: Saint Columba Chapel
Join us for afternoon Chapel Prayers at St. Columba School Chapel. Prayers are from 1-1:15pm slt. Come early to pray and listen to the Christian music being played. You will need to enable voice...


Sent 1 day, 13 hours ago

Attachment: Saint Columba Chapel
Join us for afternoon Chapel Prayers at St. Columba School Chapel. Prayers are from 1-1:15pm slt. Come early to pray and listen to the Christian music being played. You will need to enable voice...


Sent 2 days, 17 hours ago

Attachment: St. Ambrose Catholic Church Invite HUD
Join us at 10am slt for Mass at St. Ambrose Catholic Church. Today we celebrate the First Sunday of Lent. There will be special music, liturgical prayers, and a sermon (homily) tailored to the...


Sent 4 days, 12 hours ago

Attachment: Saint Columba Chapel
Join us for afternoon Chapel Prayers at St. Columba School Chapel. Prayers are from 1-1:15pm slt. Come early to pray and listen to the Lenten music being played over the stream. You will need to...


Sent 5 days, 12 hours ago

Attachment: Saint Columba Chapel
Join us for afternoon Chapel Prayers at St. Columba School Chapel. Prayers are from 1-1:15pm slt. Come early to pray and listen to the Lenten music being played over the stream. You will need to...


Sent 6 days, 12 hours ago

Attachment: Saint Columba Chapel
Join us for our Ash Wednesday Service at St. Columba School Chapel. The service from 1-1:20pm slt. Ashes will be distributed. Come early to pray and listen to the meditating music being played....


Sent 6 days, 15 hours ago

Attachment: St. Ambrose Catholic Church
SECOND ATTEMPT...sorry I forgot to put the time...10am slt


Sent 6 days, 15 hours ago

Attachment: St. Ambrose Catholic Church
Join us for our Ash Wednesday Service to start off the Season of Lent. Ashes will be distributed at the service. Come early to pray and listen to the meditative music being played. You will need...


Sent 1 week, 1 day ago

Attachment: Saint Columba Chapel
Join us for afternoon Chapel Prayers at St. Columba School Chapel. Prayers are from 1-1:15pm slt. Come early to pray and listen to the Christian music being played. You will need to enable voice...


Sent 1 week, 2 days ago

Attachment: Saint Columba Chapel
Join us at 1:15pm SLT for St. Columba School monthly School Mass held in the the School Chapel in Nemeton. Come early for meditation and to listen to the music being played. This School Mass is...


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