Magal Gans' Bombastic Drum Show Sl Notices

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 Magal Gans
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Sent on 5/12/23

Attachment: Magal Gans' show!!
Hello Everyone, how you're doing? Today I'll play at The SL Christmas Expo...


Sent on 18/11/23

Attachment: Magal Gans' show!!
Hey guys, how are you? Ready for another Saturday full of rock'n' roll? I won't see you at Cornerstone soon. Hugs


Sent on 4/11/23

Attachment: Magal Gans' show!!
Hey guys... how are you? let's start this beautiful Saturday with lots of rock?? So I'll wait for you in half an hour!! I'll see you there


Sent on 28/10/23

Attachment: Magal Gans' show!!
Thank you God, it's Saturday, and there's nothing better than starting to warm up your engines with a lot of rock'nroll, see you at Cornerstone


Sent on 21/10/23

Attachment: Magal Gans' show!!
Hello guys, are you looking for a lot of rock'n'roll to start your weekend?


Sent on 14/10/23

Attachment: Magal Gans' show!!
Hello my friends, I'll sending a note of my show today!! See u there!!


Sent on 10/10/23

Attachment: Magal Gans' show!!
Hello everyone, I'm sending you the note from my show today, see you there!!!


Sent on 7/10/23

Attachment: Magal Gans' show!!
Hello everyone, how are u? Check my shows today...See u there!


Sent on 3/10/23

Attachment: Magal Gans' show!!
Whats uo my friends, I'll perform live in 15 minutes at the Brasen Head


Sent on 30/9/23

Attachment: Magal Gans' show!!
Hello everyone...How is it going? in 45 minutes I'll perform at Cornerstone. See u!!!
