Pirette's Music Cove

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 Pirate Russell
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Sent 3 weeks, 2 days ago

Attachment: Pirette's Music Cove, Quaker (198, 116, 1502)
almost there...


Sent on 14/12/24

Attachment: (none)


Sent on 5/12/24

Attachment: Kittenz - Venue
Ice Merlin @ 5pm Icecremn is a musician, songwriter, recording artist, with continued years in an active band. He tugs either his acoustic or electric guitar in the door to share with you an...


Sent on 5/12/24

Attachment: (none)
Justine @ 4pm A voice like Natalie Merchant and Alison Krauss had a love child." Justine Johndory is an experienced ensemble musician in real life, now performing solo in SL. Justine plays...


Sent on 5/12/24

Attachment: Kittenz - Venue
Music Thursday Night @ Kittenz! This week we have: 4p Justine Johndory 5p Ice Merlin 6p Redhawk Here's Your Limo: secondlife://Nautilus%20%2D%20Adon/110/172/2446


Sent on 30/11/24

Attachment: Kittenz - Venue
Ice Merlin @ 6pm Icecremn is a musician, songwriter, recording artist, with continued years in an active band. He tugs either his acoustic or electric guitar in the door to share with you an...


Sent on 30/11/24

Attachment: Kittenz - Venue
FlorizonaRichD @ 5 Rich plays a combination of electric and acoustic music. To say he is high energy is an understatement! Come join us for a fast paced hour of music! Here's Your Limo: ...


Sent on 30/11/24

Attachment: (none)
MrMulti Writer'nEd Lowell and Wizard Sideshow @ 4 MrMulti Writer and Edward Lowell are multi-instrumental musicians and singers who have been performing at SL since its earliest days. They are...


Sent on 30/11/24

Attachment: Kittenz - Venue
It's Saturday night, and that means music at Kittenz! This week we have: 4pm MrMulti Writer'n'Ed'n'Wizard 5pm FlorizonaRichD 6pm Ice Merlin Here's Your Limo: ...


Sent on 23/11/24

Attachment: Kittenz - Venue
Zach Loon @ 6pm Zachariah Loon, the SongSlinger from Oklahoma weaves Blues, Country, Rock-n-Roll & Folk influences into original songs that will connect with your own life experiences. In addition...


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Pirette's Music Cove Quaker (198,136,1502)