Wild Pack Attractions Subscribe-O-Matic

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 Zentarra Resident
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Sent on 1/10/23

Attachment: Halloween Island Amusement Park is Now Open.
Hello Everyone! Happy October! It's that time again! Wild Pack Attractions is proud to announce the opening of Halloween Island Amusement Park! Spooky fun for the whole family!


Sent on 1/2/23

Attachment: Wormhole of Love - Wild Pack Space Park
Hey guys! Wild Pack Space Adventure Park is proud to open our Valentine's Day tour "Wormhole of Love!" It will be open for the whole month of Feb and the teleporter is at the fun park landing...


Sent on 12/1/23

Attachment: Wild Pack Space Adventure Park is Open!
Wild Pack Attractions is proud to announce that Wild Pack Space Adventure Park is officially open. It will remain open until mid September at that time we will take it down to get ready for our...


Sent on 1/1/23

Attachment: Happy New Year and Thank You from Wild Pack Attractions
We would like to wish everyone a very Happy New Year and thank you for visiting White Christmas Wonderland. We will be closing the sim tomorrow morning and are very excited to start building our...


Sent on 4/12/22

Attachment: Wild Pack Attractions - White Christmas Wonderland
Wild Pack Attractions is proud to announce the opening of White Christmas Wonderland. Sending information now :)


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Type Name Location
Wild Pack Attractions Subscribe-O-Matic Two Hearts (88,27,24)
Wild Pack Attractions Subscribe-O-Matic Planet Z (90,45,3002)
Wild Pack Attractions Subscribe-O-Matic Planet Z (124,130,4000)