
Group owner:
 Mao Lemieux
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Description / details

Sit bolt upright in that straight back chair, button that top button, and get set for some difficult music. Mao Lemieux live improv ambient / DJ set announcements and updates. <3 https://soundcloud.com/mao_lemieux Photo by Dog Caboose <3

Recent messages

Sent 1 week, 3 days ago

Attachment: (ADD ME)A Drone Haven Motel Series: Innocence Lost March1 2025
Innocence Lost tonight 6PM SLT at Drone Haven. assuming my computers cooperate. 6pm SLT. Arrive early, seating is limited. Please see attached.


Sent 1 week, 6 days ago

Attachment: (ADD ME)A Drone Haven Motel Series: Innocence Lost March1 2025
Mao LIVE at Innocence Lost 6-7 PM SLT Saturday, March 1 - So excited to have been invited to perform at this groundbreaking event. Please see attached for details.


Sent 2 weeks, 3 days ago

Attachment: (none)
Yesterday's track is out. Please keep your volume low when beginning to listen.

Sent 2 weeks, 4 days ago

Attachment: (none)
TIME UPDATE!!! FRIDAY FEB 21st in SL on Ambient Waves sim (PST) Time 11am Mutant Memory Art Opening 12pm Mao Lemieux - USA 1pm Jana Kyomoon - England ...


Sent 2 weeks, 4 days ago

Attachment: Ambient Waves Grand Opening Festival ADD
A 2-day Arts and Music Festival with Art Gallery exhibits from Mutant Memory and Tom Britt, with live music in the Ambience Art Gallery from Mao Lemieux. Art opening starts 11am Friday FEB 21st....


Sent 3 weeks, 1 day ago

Attachment: Mao Live @Ambient Waves Grand Opening 2-21-25
Gig Friday - Ambient Waves Opening! Mao Live Friday 12 PM SLT Honored to be kicking off the (re)opening(?) of the Ambient Waves sim - sister sim to Radio Spiral and reincarnation of Ambient 101!


Sent on 12/1/25

Attachment: Mao Live @Ambient Waves Grand Opening 2-21-25
Save the date! I'm honored to kick off the Grand Opening of Cypress Rosewood's Ambient Waves sim, just north of the Radio Spiral sim. The show starts Friday, 21st of February, 11 AM SLT. I...


Sent on 9/1/25

Attachment: WaterTempleStage
Tonight's Space for Music Show at the Water Temple Stage on Ambient Waves sim will feature a very talented electronic and experimental musician, Mao Lemieux, with her most recent recording...


Sent on 26/10/24

Attachment: RadioSpiral
Hello, listeners! I am performing live today as part of the RadioSpiral ambient music radio station's Halloween event. 1pm SLT. Tune in at

Sent on 28/4/24

Attachment: INVITE:DD + MAO@spaceplace 28th-4-24_12PMSLT (add me)
Hi friends! Blessed to be able to perform today at Daddio Dow's SPACEPLACE @ 1pm SLT! Please see the attached for details. Hope to see you there!


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difficult.music Innocent Eyes (72,68,22)
difficult.music Ambient Waves (42,141,22)
difficult.music Ambient Waves (167,171,2771)