CatTales CatZine

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 wendy1435 Resident
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Sent on 31/8/24

Attachment: CatTales CatZine - No.8 August 2024
After all of that time waiting here it is: THE NEW CATTALES CATZINE!! Sadly the web version provider is making it harder to post the CatZine online... So while Wendy is finding a solution for that...


Sent on 7/4/24

Attachment: CatTales CatZine - No.7 April 2024
Hello Everyone! After a long time of waiting it is finally here! The new issue of the CatTales CatZine! I hope it will bring you joy and much fun reading! The online version will be out soon and...


Sent on 15/12/23

Attachment: CatTales Catzine No.6 - December 2023
Hello everyone! Time for the CatTales Catzine to arrive right in your inventory! Don't forget to accept it! You can also check the [

Sent on 9/9/23

Attachment: CatTales Catzine - Issue No.5 - September 2023
Hello everyone! It is time for the newest issue of the CatTales Catzine! Wish you all very much fun reading through it! You can also get the webpage version right over here

Sent on 12/8/23

Attachment: CatTales CatZine - Issue August 2023
Hello Everyone!! It is time for the new issue of the CatTales Catzine! Watch out for the blue pop up to accept the issue right into your inventory. If something went wrong and you did not get it....


Sent on 8/7/23

Attachment: CatTales CatZine - Issue No.3 July 2023
Hello CatZine Subscribers!! Here is the July issue! Have fun reading it! Didnt get the pop up of your magazine into your inventory? Come grab it right over here!

Sent on 5/6/23

Attachment: CatTales CatZine - Issue June 2023
Hello CatTales! It is June! That means that I present you the new issue of the CatTales CatZine! Thank you for subscribing and don't forget to press accept to get it in your inventory! Haven't got...


Sent on 1/5/23

Attachment: CatTales CatZine - Issue May 2023
Hello KittyCats! Lovers, Here is the first issue of the CatTales CatZine. Enjoy yourself reading and looking through it all and join in on the contests and quizzes! Very much fun wished from The...


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