Ani-Cats Subscriber Notifications

Group owner:
 SheilaHarrington Resident
Business name:
 Ani-Mates / Ani-Cats
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Description / details

Ani-Cats are animesh breedable cats, with many dozens of trait features to be found, lots of fun "extra features", mating, marriage, selective breeding, etc.

Recent messages

Sent on 19/1/25

Attachment: (none)
UPDATE YOUR CATS!! A few months ago I put out notices about updating your cats. Any cats that you have birthed whether you are breeding them or not whether they are young or furrever pets...


Sent on 14/10/24

Attachment: Boo Oct 2024 Random Drop LE
Good Morning! Today starts the October Random Drop LE. Boo! This LE will run from October 14 through October 31. This cute kitty sports some ghostie ghosts on his black as night coat. oooohhhh...


Sent on 1/10/24

Attachment: Ani-Cats Happy Birthday
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANI-CATS! It's October and it's Ani-Cats 3rd Birthday! Come on down to the store and get your very own Ani-Cats 3rd Birthday Cat! You may choose male or female 1 per avatar. This...


Sent on 11/8/24

Attachment: (none)
ANOTHER WALK IN THE WOODS BREEDABLE EXPO - The Expo is open!! Come on down and bring your friends! Perfect opportunity to get them interested in Ani-Cats. In addition to the Le's we have a free...


Sent on 10/8/24

Attachment: (none)
Today's the day!! Another Walk In The Woods Breedable Event! This starts at 9am SLT. We'll send out the LM at that time! Can't wait to see you all!! I'll be there to answer any questions,...


Sent on 27/6/24

Attachment: July 2024 Random Drop LE AD
JULY RANDOM DROP LE - Yep it's that time again! Starting July 1st and running through July 15th every breeding pair has the chance to drop the July LE. Red, White, and Blue! This cute kitty is...


Sent on 21/6/24

Attachment: (none)
No More Milk! ---- AS was announced on Wednesday June 19th Milk is no longer required for your Ani-Cats to breed. The function of the milk was to raise their heat. Now all they need is...


Sent on 21/6/24

Attachment: New Ani-Cat pet beds and Huds
Ani-Cat breeders, you may be happy to learn of a new update for the Ani-Cats beds and HUD. More info in the attached notecard!


Sent on 28/2/23

Attachment: Ani-Cats Breedables NEW~
WE'RE MOVING! Good morning breeders! Yesterday we announced that Ani-Cats would be moving to a new parcel. The new parcel is up and running and ready to serve you should you need anything....


Sent on 31/12/22

Attachment: Gingerbread Dreams AD Christmas 2022
GINGERBREAD DREAMS RANDOM DROP LE Good morning breeders! We have decided to extend the availability of the current random drop le. Since this last week was filled with holiday activities we...


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Type Name Location
Ani-Cats Subscriber Notifications Delirium Breedables (248,64,22)
Ani-Cats Subscriber Notifications Aurora Point (214,190,42)