Cafe Musique Live

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 layasugarplumsalt Resident
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 Cafe Musique Live Music
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Sent 32 minutes ago

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5:30pm: Velvet Quandry takes to the stage at Cafe Musique on the hour and brings her love of music where she covers songs from Ozzy Osborne to Imelda May. Come have a listen

Sent 2 hours, 1 minute ago

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4PM: MrMulti Writer, Ed Lowell & Friends are multi talented artists. These musicians compose, play multi instruments, and sing. Whether it's originals, covers or improv MrMulti Writer, Ed Lowell...


Sent 3 hours ago

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3PM: On the hour Talon Hawks takes to the stage - Guitarist, Singer, Storyteller...

Sent 3 hours, 57 minutes ago

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2PM: Icecremn Merlin is back and he's better than ever! His smooth voice and amazing guitar abilities unite to make a show you don’t want to miss!

Sent 5 hours, 51 minutes ago

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12 NOON: Henrietta is making her way to the stage with Mike Carnell in tow!  Get ready for an hour of guitar skills, great music and lots of fun!

Sent 8 hours ago

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Scott Fitzgerald takes to the stage on the hour with his acoustic guitar where this finger style musucian performs a mix of music from artists like The Eagles, CSN&Y, and Bruce Cockburn. Come...


Sent 11 hours, 5 minutes ago

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7am - Blanche Bordeoux uses her amazing vocals to connect with her audience as she performs a mix of songs of artists from Alicia Keys to Meghan Trainer that spread positive vibes and good...


Sent 12 hours, 47 minutes ago

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5-7 AM Music is a universal language that brings people together, and our Campfire Sessions are the perfect place to experience that. Whether you’re a seasoned performer or a first-time singer,...


Sent 21 hours, 59 minutes ago

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8PM - Sully time at Cafe Musique! This talented musician has been helping artists get started in SL and now we've finally coerced him into getting up on stage. From covers to originals, the man...


Sent 22 hours, 58 minutes ago

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7PM Scorpian Rose loves to sing and she does it with heart and passion. She can reach inside and touch your heart, or have you singing along and dancing!

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Type Name Location
Cafe Musique Live Sandness (102,204,1037)