Crystal Teardrops Events VIPs

Group owner:
 Brigitta Iwish
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Recent messages

Sent on 1/7/19

Attachment: DJ "Prince" Benny's Events
oops it didnt change right name for new set heres correcteds


Sent on 1/7/19

Attachment: DJ "Prince" Benny's Events
this my new schedule for my sets


Sent on 16/6/19

Attachment: DJ "Prince" Benny's Events
my updateds list of sets


Sent on 25/4/19

Attachment: DJ "Prince" Benny's Events
Updated Event times and locations. Please show your support for Benny by attending some of these events.


Sent on 25/4/19

Attachment: DJ "Prince" Benny's Events
new schedule for my vents


Sent on 4/4/19

Attachment: DJ "Prince" Benny's Events
updateds nc for my vents


Sent on 25/2/19

Attachment: DJ "Prince" Benny's Events
DJ Benny will be DJing at these places, Come Support your favorite little Prince


Sent on 18/2/19

Attachment: (none)
Hello Minions!!!! Stay tuned for exciting adventures with DJ "Prince" Benny


Sent on 3/1/19

Attachment: (none)
Hello Fans!!


Kiosk locations

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Type Name Location
Crystal Teardrops Events VIPs Fire Lands (124,218,23)
Crystal Teardrops Events VIPs Fire Lands (99,216,22)
Crystal Teardrops Events VIPs Fire Lands (75,214,23)
Crystal Teardrops Events VIPs Fire Lands (134,221,22)