Romantica Park Subscribe-O-Matic

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 Nisa Maverick
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Sent 2 days, 9 hours ago

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SIERIO Time: 1pm Dress Code - Casual Attire Sierio is an immensely talented singer musician who has taken SL by storm with the sweetest voice SL has ever heard! Sierio delivers an incredible show...


Sent 2 days, 10 hours ago

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ANNETTE SERANADE Time 12pm Dress Attire - Casual .A trained vocalist, Annette has been singing for most of her life. You will be amazed at her ability to elevate the emotion and depth of each and...


Sent 2 days, 14 hours ago

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********************************************************** ROMANTICA PARK, ROMANTICA 12pm ANNETTE SERANADE 1pm SIERIO Your Limo

Sent 3 days, 8 hours ago

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WINTER Time: 2pm Playing covers of a variety of Rock Styles from Classic to New Age to Pop Rock and even Heavy Metal! Your Limo -

Sent 3 days, 9 hours ago

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STINNA Time: 1pm Dress: Casual Stinna - one of SL´s finest live vocalists! ~ rock, pop, celtic and much more! Your Limo -

Sent 3 days, 10 hours ago

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HEDY PATRUCCI @ ROMANCA PARK, ROMANTICA Time 12pm Dress Attire - Casual Today, Hedy mesmerizes her audiences with her unique soulful voice, bringing to her stage many years of music experience...


Sent 3 days, 15 hours ago

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********************************************************** ROMANTICA PARK, ROMANTICA 12pm HEDY PATRUCCI 1pm STINNA 2pm WINTER Your Limo

Sent 5 days, 8 hours ago

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MARINA SHARPSHIRE @ ROMANTICA PARK Time 2pm Dress Attire - Casual Marina has a purity to her voice that reaches out and grabs you the first time you hear her. She has the ability to cross genres...


Sent 5 days, 9 hours ago

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VELVET ROSE Time: 1pm Dress Code - Casual Attire I have sung for years doing solo work, singing in college choirs, and the like. I've had the chance to sing in a few operas and musicals along...


Sent 5 days, 10 hours ago

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DEXTER Time 12pm Dress Attire - Casual Dexter plays in bands all over the UK in RL and shares his passion for music here in SL singing a wide variety of genres from 60's to 00's. Your Limo -

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Romantica Park Subscribe-O-Matic Romantica (231,201,22)
Romantica Park Subscribe-O-Matic Romantica (187,178,21)