Suun's Scraps

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 Suun Vasser
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Sent 1 week, 1 day ago

Attachment: Sounds Great! at We <3 Role-Play - March 4 to 28
You wanted more tavern songs, so we made more tavern songs for you! Grab a copy of Volume 2 of our popular ambience, exclusive to We Love Role-Play for their freshly opened March round. And the...


Sent on 8/2/25

Attachment: Sounds Great! for We <3 Role-Play - Feb 4 to 28
Carneval is in high swing, so for February's round of We <3 Roleplay we bring you two new sound ambiences celebrating this! Want some Mardi Gras or Rio samba parade flair for your event? We got...


Sent on 19/1/25

Attachment: Sounds Great! -- Suun's Scraps -- new location!
Sounds Great! You can find us in Whitestone now, and there are some cool things planned for the future! For now, though, nothing except our location has changed, and you should find everything...


Sent on 21/12/24

Attachment: Sounds Great! at Winter's Hollow - Dec 20 to Jan 5
Have I gone overboard this time? ... mayyyybe. (Just a little?) No regrets! Find 3 new wintery exclusives at the beautiful Winter's Hollow event, plus a new hunt gift! Best part? You're allowed to...


Sent on 7/12/24

Attachment: Sounds Great! at Gothmas Market by Juniper Events - Dec 6 to 16
Did I mention December is going to be a busy month for sound lovers? Because guess what, Gothmas Market is open now and we have two wonderful exclusives up there for you at a discount, too! Hop on...


Sent on 6/12/24

Attachment: Sounds Great! for the 2024 Holiday Shop & Hop - Dec 6 to Jan 5
Christmas Shop & Hop just opened its doors and we're proud to be a part of it! Setting up a winter wonderland of your own and it's missing the last extra bit of oomph? Why not check out our snow...


Sent on 4/12/24

Attachment: Sounds Great! for We <3 Role-Play - Dec 4 to 28
December round of We ♥ Roleplay is open! This one is a special round, because each of the designers has a 50L special for you on top of their exclusives - we do, too! And, as usual, we designed...


Sent on 4/11/24

Attachment: Sounds Great! at We <3 Roleplay - 9/4 to 9/28
After the event madness of the past two months, November is going to be a lighter one with just We <3 Roleplay. Starting tomorrow, you can find two exclusives and a few older seasonal ambiences at...


Sent on 19/10/24

Attachment: Welcome to Spookzilla 2024
Are we ready for spooky season? I sure hope so because guess what is officially about to start! Welcome to the 12th Annual Spookzilla hunt, with 400 designers the biggest and baddest Halloween...


Sent on 18/10/24

Attachment: Sounds Great! for Nightshade by Juniper Events - 10/17 to 10/28
Hey! Hey you! The Nightshade Event just opened its doors and we are proud to be a part of it! You can find us with two exclusives and a few older items, all at 50% off during the event. Our...


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Suun's Scraps Whitestone (174,37,1704)