LunchboxesRUs/Jensen Plaza

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 jensen07 Jules
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Recent messages

Sent on 25/7/14

Attachment: LMs
Opened a new store on mainland and reopened my newly designed store on my mainland plot. In September I will be having a temporary location at The Bazaar (more info and lm to come). Along with...


Sent on 20/7/14

Attachment: LMs
Many new lunchboxes have been added and will be added to my store in the near future. Here is an upated lm list to all my stores and I will be opening a new store at The Unknown Park in a few days.


Sent on 22/2/14

Attachment: LMs
here is a list of my lms to my stores


Sent on 22/2/14

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Here is a list of my lunchboxes: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (new) NGI Lunchbox (new) Cupcake Lunchbox (new) 3 different HKE Lunchboxes Camp Panther Lunchbox Alf Lunchbox Star Trek Lunchbox MP:...
