Art of JudiLynn

Group owner:
 JudiLynn India
Business name:
 The Art of JudiLynn
Group members:
Website / SLurl:
RSS feed:
 Subscribe to recent messages

Description / details

This group exists for fans of the artwork of JudiLynn India in SL (JudiLynn in RL). Through this group, announcements and information about Judilynn's latest works, both SL and RL will be shared. Thank you very much for your support and encouragement!

Kiosk locations

Teleport to any of the listed kiosks to subscribe and receive messages and items from this group in-world. You can also unsubscribe from this group at any kiosk.
Type Name Location
Art of JudiLynn Muddys Music Cafe (149,67,25)
Art of JudiLynn Lanestris (123,71,107)
Art of JudiLynn Han Loso (222,23,68)