Stone's Works

Group owner:
 Darkstone Aeon
Business name:
 Stone's Works
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Description / details

Dragons, cowboy hats, hats, fountains, off sim, off-sim, art, blankets, gifts, toys, animated, ladies hats, furniture, animals, picture frames, hunts, decor, statues, cowboy hat, fedora, top hat, dragons, phoenix. waterart, custom, hats

Recent messages

Sent 1 week, 6 days ago

Attachment: **STONE'S WORKS KOALA dALLIEZ 2018
While I have been unavailable and will be for about another month I have stopped in and changed the 6 sales boards in the middle of the store. Do stop in and look around- if there is something...


Sent 3 weeks, 3 days ago

Attachment: **STONE'S WORKS KOALA dALLIEZ 2018
Thank you all for your continued support - Due to circumstances beyond my control at this time I will not be online for approx 6 weeks. I am hoping to keep the stores and mp open as long as I...


Sent on 7/12/24

Attachment: Stone's Works 12/7 Notice
DO read the notecard - actually far more pictures and Land marks than words for you enjoyment!! lol Lots of newness -- gifts - fun items and sales - find what makes you happy at all the events...


Sent on 4/12/24

Attachment: Stone's Works News 12/4
Please read notecard for updated news and a few LM's - find new items on sale -


Sent on 27/10/24

Attachment: **STONE'S WORKS KOALA dALLIEZ 2018
It's been a few tough months - I have reset the specials boards in the store to help with your halloween costumes - stop in take a look

Sent on 29/9/24

Attachment: Stone's Works 9/29 Notice
New Items on the sales boards and even more new items coming soon!!! Please note : if you usually shop the Steals and Deals merchants a notice will not be coming out at this time. So Please be...


Sent on 30/8/24

Attachment: Stone's Works 8/30 Notice
More Specials More Sales More well Stuff!! Check notecard for pretty pics, LMs and other info!

Sent on 24/8/24

Attachment: Stone's Works 8/24 Notice
Late? well ok but sales items are in the store - check the notecard for pics - LM and more!!

Sent on 27/7/24

Attachment: Stone's Works 7/22 Notice
Take a look @ the notecard to see if there is something that will finish your wardrobe - or something to grab for decoration!!! @

Sent on 22/7/24

Attachment: Stone's Works 7/22 Notice
Early Bird Notice and a reminder Shop & Hop will end Tuesday- this is your last day for selected sales. Take a look at the sales in the store with a Brand New Classic Cattleman's Hat on sale - See...


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Type Name Location
Stone's Works Koala dAlliez (232,134,22)